16 - The dynasty next to the Qin was the Han dynasty. In this time, the Bronze
disappeared.The characters were written directly on the pieces of wood.
There was a great change in the method of writing. We had better have a borderline
here,the year 200 BC. Before the year 200 BC, it was an age of letters on the bronze.
After the year 200 BC, it was an age of handwriting.
This method of handwiting changed and changed little by little, till nowadays.
17 - I wrote these characters on the model of the handwriting on the pieces of wood.
The shape in this side is rather round, and the shape here is rather square.
18 - In late Han dynasty, the squarish characters appeared on the many stone monuments.
The characters look so magnificent.
19 - I wrote these characters on the model of the characters on the stone monument.
20 - We can see many stone monuments and the
magnificent characters in Xi'an in China.
21 - In Qufu prefecture in China, we can see
many stone monuments,too.
22 - These are the characters on the oldest paper fragments in the year 300 AD.
Time passed in the Qin dynasty (not the same as the Qin in 220 BC.)from the Han.
The paper fragments appeared in the desert of Western part of China.
23 - I wrote these on the model of the characters on the paper fragments.
You can see three forms - Sosho, Kaisho, and Gyosho.